Completing work on your house can take some time, whether you are professional builder, a trade merchant or a homeowner and novice when it comes to renovation.  However there are tips and tricks, all employable over a short period of time, which make a lot of difference when transforming a property.

Spring Cleaning All Year Round

Spending your days off undertaking work on your house may not sound like fun, but there are plenty of rewards to reap.  It is a good plan to have a spring clean before commencing any work.  This will make the room of choice look a whole lot fresher and brighter, maximising any improvements that are done afterwards and also highlighting problem areas in need of attention.  Having an extensive clear out is also the perfect excuse to go on a shopping spree and purchase lots of new items for the room.  Alongside throwing clutter away, having a deep clean is beneficial.  Eradicating mold lurking around windows or tiles is another way in which to make a property look a lot brighter.  If you employ some good old-fashioned elbow grease, you should have the house spick and span in no time.  If after all this, the bathroom is looking a little worse for wear, tile paints and stencils can always be utilised.  These are easy to apply and provide you with the option to experiment with vivid colors and interesting patterns.  Who knows, visitors may even think you have had the decorators in after all!

It’s All About You

Another easy way to quickly update any room is to purchase innovative fixtures and fittings.  In the bathroom, this means treating yourself to some fresh, fluffy towels, whilst in the bedroom this equates to a new set of bed linen.  Both of these actions transform the bedroom and bathroom more than you would think, setting an original tone for the space.  If you have some old furniture that is ruining this look somewhat, why not up cycle the offending piece?  Sanding a chest of drawers or table down, before re-painting and buying contemporary handles can make an old piece of furniture look modern in an instant.  The same principle is applicable to kitchen cupboards, giving the room a distinct accent without the expense of paying fitters and shops or retailers for new kitchen units.  Further ways in which to stamp your personality onto a space involves adding pieces of artwork, rugs and mirrors to the room.  Since moving in, it is likely you will not have had time to make the space really feel like home.  Rectifying this and adding bits and bobs which represent your personality ensures the house really does feel like yours.

Green Fingers and Door Knockers

It is not solely the inside of your home that needs to be taken care of, but the outside too.  Try giving your front door a fresh lick of paint, thus increasing the kerb appeal of the property.  Door numbers, knockers and letterboxes can also be replaced if a complete overhaul is on the cards.  Additionally, patio furniture is easily sanded down and re-painted in a vivacious colour of your choice.  If you have metal tables and chairs rather than wooden furniture, then be sure to select specialist paint when you are in the shop.  Not only does this prolong the life of the table and chairs, but it is a good excuse to throw a dinner party once the summer rolls around.  You can get accessorising outdoors too, so get your gardening gloves on and start filling those plant pots.  When you are done, you might just feel like you have an entirely revived and refurbished house.

Sarah Fox is a writer who believes that by changing and revamping a few parts of your property, you can totally transform it by yourself. However, if you are looking to complete any large structural jobs and need builders, Manchester experts can help you to find the right people for the job.